Monday, February 23, 2015

Stop. Take a breath.

A week ago today, I was in Laguna Beach, California. My boyfriend, Louie and I had decided to drive down for a little getaway trip, and it was the PERFECT idea. We both wanted to experience somewhere new, and had never been to Laguna before, so we decided to go. Needless to say, it was absolutely lovely. Laguna is what now comes to mind when I think of a beach city. It's filled with hole in the wall cafes, boutiques and so much art, you can't come close to seeing it all in one trip. So, I'll definitely have to be making a trip back!
Even though it was a shorter trip than I wanted it to be, it made me realize just how precious time is. It's there one second, and gone the next. Before I knew it, we were already back in Vegas and I was left missing the smell of the ocean and only able to look back through my pictures.
Sometimes we're moving through life so fast, we forget to stop. Take a breath. And enjoy the moment. I know I do. (It's on my to-do list though!)
So on this lovely, overcast day in Vegas, when just Saturday it was sunny and warm (That bi-polar weather we all know and "love") I want to stop. Take a breath. And enjoy the moment.
Happy Monday! ❤
And enjoy a few pictures from our trip!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Love is Love is Love

I normally think of what I should have said or done, after the situation has already passed. So, it being the day after Valentine's Day, it only makes sense that I would think to write about Love and just how important it is.

Love is it. It's the base of it all. At least I feel it is. A quote comes to mind as I write this,

"Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense." -E.E. Cummings

And it's true, it's terribly true. It can be love in its simplest, or most treacherous form. Choose to love your sister, your best friend, and that neighbor down the street. Love your boyfriend, your puppy, and even that friend with whom you've grown apart from. But always love, no matter what. Love is what gets people out of bed in the morning and makes it so they are able to sleep soundly at night.

So whether you love someone, or are in love with them, hold onto it. Because when you have one of those days where nothing is going right; you woke up late, your hair looks like a birds nest, you're trying to rush out the door but can't remember where you put your keys, you get a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and wish you'd have put make up on, then you hit every red light, and your boss is angry at you so he gives you an excessive amount of work...

Remember that someone loves and cares about you, and you have someone to love and care about. Make that enough to get you through the day. Because if you let it, it will. It always will.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Something for Yourself

Journal entry from February 1, 2015

When was the last time you did something, just for you? I mean something that you did with no other intention but to bring joy to yourself.

I think about this as I sit by a window, at The Beat, a downtown coffee shop that I've come to love. I am surrounded by the company of my journals, my coffee, and this delicious chocolate muffin that I should regret, but don't. I look around at my fellow coffee drinkers, with their open books, laptops, or friend with whom they're conversing and smile to myself as I feel a calmness come over me.

Times like these, I enjoy being alone with my thoughts and my writing. It slows me down. It reminds me to stop, take a look around and breathe every once in a while. Life is beautiful, it really is. Even when it's a mess.

So as I sit here listening to some great music, courtesy of The Beat, and continue to attempt to put my thoughts onto paper, I am not thinking about how I really shouldn't take another bite of this chocolate muffin, or how tomorrow is yet another Monday.

I am scrawling my pen across the page, feeling the words come easier as my thoughts become more clear. I am enjoying this cup of coffee as it glides across my taste buds and makes them do a little cheer, "Yay for good coffee!" I am dancing in my chair to this really good song that's playing. I am looking out the window at passersby and wondering how their Sunday is going for them. Lastly, I am enjoying this moment. On this Sunday morning. Doing a little something for me.

Life is Beautiful 2016

Oh god, no statement is more real, more raw, more true. Life is truly so beautiful.  Whether it's at home cooking dinner with a gla...