Monday, March 30, 2015

Bring on Summer

I've had too much coffee this morning, which I'm surprised is an actual thing! But from the way that my body is stuck doing the jitterbug right now, I know for a fact that it's a real thing. With that being the case, it means my mind is running a little faster than usual at the moment. I went to write down some thoughts and realized that I'd left my handy on-the-go notebook in my other bag. So I'm stuck writing on some post it's so it doesn't slip my mind. Currently, I've used up 5 and counting.

I was reading outside on my break at work as I felt the sun begin to creep up my back, as it was rising higher into the sky. The sun started to warm my hair, and I was instantly brought back to my childhood. I started to recount the summer days I had spent playing outside with my sisters and loving every minute of it. I had forgotten how much I adored that feeling of my hair warming by the suns lovely touch.

Normally I'm a winter loving girl. You'll hear me cheering, "Bring on the cold weather and the excessive layers!"

But today, I'm excited for summer. (Even if we are getting the beginning tastes of it at the end of March.)

So bring on the warmer weather and the Summer trips. Bring on the warm nights and the Sonic runs. Bring on the cold showers and the sun kissed skin. (Maybe this year I'll get some color, besides red from a sunburn.)

I hope you're having a lovely day and have some things you are looking forward to <3

Friday, March 20, 2015

Surpassing the Storm

(PC: Myself, from my car on the way home.)

Have you ever had "one of those days?" The ones where you feel like a thunderstorm just made it's way into your little bubble that was once filled with sunshine. The ones where it just continues to rain and rain. Normally you love the rain ,but today you despise it and you find that you can't even remember what the sun looked like before. The memory of her has left your mind and all you want is for the clouds to make their way out of your bubble again... 

You're not alone. I have to remind myself of these words constantly when I'm having "one of those days." I say them to myself over and over because otherwise I feel as though I may be the only person on the planet feeling like I do, and I know that is anything BUT the case. Each person has their own set of struggles. But it isn't your struggles that makes you, it is how you surpass them. That is what makes all of the difference. 

So, I hope these days are scarce for you, and for me. But I do not wish them to be nonexistent. Because at the end of that treacherous day, the clouds will depart and your sunshine will reappear. It may take sometime to realize this, (it always does for me), but I hope you do realize and that it brings you a sense of peace. 

Your sun will return, but in the meantime, you might as well embrace the rain. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Braided Hair

When I was a little girl, my mom always did my hair, She'd either braid it, or throw it up in a bun. Especially in the Summer because it was too hot to wear down. I remember standing in the bathroom of our apartment as she braided my hair. She was slightly taller than me, but not by much. I can remember storming out a few times when she was finished because she had left "bumps," which basically meant that my hair wasn't slicked flat to my head and at 7 years old, that drove me nuts. Why? I still have no idea.
Eventually, I outgrew the "bumps," and my mom stopped doing my hair. Now at almost 22, I can't help but reminisce on those times as a little girl.
I asked my mom to braid my hair this morning. She took her time, as she wove her fingers through the strands, over and over again. She kept telling me she was trying to get out all of the bumps, and I couldn't help but smile as it brought me back to being 7 years old again.
I hold onto these small moments with my mom. It reminds me that no matter how much time passes, or how old I get, my mom will always be there; if only to braid my hair and remind me that I'm still her little girl.

Life is Beautiful 2016

Oh god, no statement is more real, more raw, more true. Life is truly so beautiful.  Whether it's at home cooking dinner with a gla...