Wednesday, April 8, 2015

For a Brighter Day

I'm constantly striving to better each day, for so many reasons! I'm alive, for one. I'm healthy, for two. I have lovely people in my life, for three. The days are not always sun filled and bright. Like every person does, I have some days that are so cloudy, I forget what the sun looks like.
So if I find that those aren't reason enough to have a good day, I have a few rituals I do to help.

I'll listen to my favorite song not just once, but 4 times on the drive to work. (Yes, I dance in my seat like a lunatic and sing my heart out. Yes, drivers look at me like I'm crazy) Or, I'll grab a second cup of coffee because 1. I love coffee, and 2. I talk myself into thinking I deserve it, which I end up succeeding at every time. That's not all!

No matter what goes on throughout the day, I always try to do these few things to make my day just a little better, and let me tell you, they work pretty well!

1. Look up at the sky. Just sit and look at it for a few minutes out of the day, whether it be day or night. It's a nice little reminder that no matter what is going on around you, the world is large and there will be bad days, but they don't last for long.

2. Read. Read a chapter from that book you've had your eye on, read some of your favorite quotes, read an article that interests you. Just use your brain to read something, anything. You'll be happy you did. 

3. Close your eyes and breathe. Whether it be to reflect on a moment of happiness, or even a moment of frustration that you're trying to surpass, it'll help. I promise. 

4. Slow down. You don't have to make that light, I swear there will be another one. Stop walking so fast, I swear you'll get there eventually. You don't always have to spend your day moving so fast. When you do that, you fail to take in the world around you, and that's the last thing you'll want. Ferris Bueller said it best, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."

5. Take a minute in the shower to just let the water run over you, cleansing you of your worries and woes. You'll come out feeling so much better then you did before. Plus, who doesn't love a good shower.  

6. Say "I love you." Tell your mother, your sister, your friend, everyone that you care about! Don't hold back. If you love someone, let them know. Those 3 words are more powerful than you think.

7. Try your hardest to NOT go to sleep angry, frustrated or upset. Bu the end of your day, you should be at peace. You won't always be, that's a simple fact. Life is life. Things happen that make some days tougher than others. But the sun will set, and then rise again, and your tomorrow will be better.

By doing these few things each day, I've noticed that my days are just a little bit brighter and more positive. At the end of the day, that's all I'm really looking for anyway. Happiness and peace of mind. Find yours. <3

Life is Beautiful 2016

Oh god, no statement is more real, more raw, more true. Life is truly so beautiful.  Whether it's at home cooking dinner with a gla...