Twenty-two years. Twenty-two years on this oversized, blue and green marble. Twenty-two years filled with experiences and lessons learned. Twenty-two years filled with joy and sadness, excitement and despair, good times and bad. It looks old, written out. It sounds old to me as well. Although I know it isn't, not even close. Twenty-two years.
Birthdays are always special to me. I feel the same way about them as I did when I turned six. Happy, excited, older. I always ask someone if they feel different on their birthday, and most respond with, "No, it just feels like any other day." I don't know what that feels like. Call me crazy, but I always feel a change in myself when I turn another year older.
I look at birthdays as a time to reflect on myself, the past year, and how I've grown/changed. So much happened this past year that it feels as if it were closer to 7 years instead of just 1. That's such a relief to me though. It was only a year, and I made it to Twenty-Two. That's a luxury that not everyone has. So, I'm going to thank the universe for keeping me on this globe another year, and celebrate it by eating some pizza.
For my birthday, I spent the day with my family at Zion National Park, right outside of St. George, Utah. I couldn't have asked for a better 22nd birthday. Some pictures from my trip are below!

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